Source: Goodreads

Judul: Theodore Boone (Sang Tersangka)
Penulis: John Grisham
ISBN: 9789792290493
Tanggal Terbit: Desember 2012
Penerbit: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Halaman: 288


Theodore Boone kembali! Dan ia siap menghadapi kasus besar berikutnya.

Theo Boone mungkin memang baru berusia 13 tahun, tapi ia berhasil mengungkapkan bukti kunci dalam persidangan kasus pembunuhan besar dan membongkar fakta di balik penculikan teman baiknya.

Dan sekarang, bersama terjadinya berbagai peristiwa di Strattenburg, Theo pun menjadi sang tersangka.

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POSTED BY Ayu ON Friday, February 27, 2015 @ 5:53 AM

September 05, 2019 - September 04, 2022

  1. Put the CLRP button above on the sidebar of your blog.
  2. Make your own criteria of children’s literature. You may refer to any source (e.g., here, there or this), but it has to be children, young adults are not accepted.
  3. Make a list of children’s book you want to read in the following 3 (three) years. You may start from 10, 15, 25, 50, or as many as you can manage. You can always change your list, just set your own goal. After that, don’t forget to put your link in the link tool here.
  4. Your list is your guide. Every time you finish your book, make a review then put the link on your book list, so you can control your pace. There are no specific format or rules for the reviews.
  5. You can make annual or 6-months progress post, just to make sure that everything is running well. And then, put your progress post in the provided link tool (will be updated later).
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2 candies | Give me candy

POSTED BY Ayu ON Sunday, February 22, 2015 @ 2:48 AM
Ini pertama kalinya saya mencoba ikutan Reading Challenge, sebenarnya saya merasa kurang percaya diri karena memang baru belakangan ini saya mulai membiasakan diri dalam membuat review untuk buku yang sudah selesai saya baca. Semoga semangat saya tidak terputus di tengah jalan :)

Young Adult Reading Challenge 2015

Bagi yang baru berpartisipasi di 2015 ini, berikut aturan mainnya:
  1. Memasang Banner RC ini di sidebar blog kamu yang ditautbalikkan ke postingan ini selama event berlangsung mulai dari bulan Januari sampai akhir Desember 2015.
  2. Buku yang dibaca hanya bergenre YOUNG ADULT dan diharapkan untuk menulis review.
  3. Review dipost di blog (tidak bisa di notes FB ataupun di Goodreads)
  4. Pendaftaran dibuka sampai akhir November 2015
  5. Buku yang dibaca boleh e-book
  6. Boleh reread asalkan membuat review baru.
  7. Wajib membuat master post. Link master post ditulis di kolom komentar di postingan ini ya. Ini saya jadikan patokan jumlah peserta yang mengikuti RC ini.
  8. Wajib membuat wrap up post/rekap saat event selesai (Link untuk menyetor Wrap-Up post akan diinfokan pada Desember 2015)
  9. Boleh menggabungkan RC ini dengan RC lainnya.
  10. RC ini hanya untuk peserta dengan alamat di wilayah Indonesia saja.
  11. Review yang disetorkan hanya yang dipost pada tahun 2015.


Young-adult fiction (often abbreviated as YA) is fiction written for, published for, or marketed to adolescents and young adults, roughly ages 13 to 21.

Young-adult fiction, whether in the form of novels or short stories, has distinct attributes that distinguish it from the other age categories of fiction. The vast majority of YA stories portray an adolescent as the protagonist, rather than an adult or a child. The subject matter and story lines are typically consistent with the age and experience of the main character, but beyond that YA stories span the entire spectrum of fiction genres. The settings of YA stories are limited only by the imagination and skill of the author.

Themes in YA stories often focus on the challenges of youth, so much so that the entire age category is sometimes referred to as problem novels or coming of age novel. Writing styles of YA stories range widely, from the richness of literary style to the clarity and speed of the unobtrusive. Despite its unique characteristics, YA shares the fundamental elements of fiction with other stories: character, plot, setting, theme, and style.

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POSTED BY Ayu ON Wednesday, February 11, 2015 @ 2:13 AM
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